Coping with the loss of
physical interactions

By Julia Carpio

Photos taken in Quezon City

Ever since the first lockdown in the country was implemented, gatherings with friends and family came to an abrupt halt. With the quarantine going on for months and showing little sign of ending in the near future, people are now pushed to look for alternative ways to spend time with their loved ones.


One application that gained popularity and helped close the gap among individuals was Discord. Originally developed to bring gaming communities together, the app has since grown into a place where all sorts of communities can gather. Today, Discord is used to hold various events—online parties, some school activities, and even meetings. The platform allows thousands of individuals to join a group channel, and 25 members to participate in a single video call.

Aside from video conference platforms, online multiplayer games such as, Covidopoly, and Among Us as entertainment to pass time with friends skyrocketed. Amid the quarantine, friends can no longer see each other physically and leave their homes for leisure and amusement.


Visiting each other’s homes turned into visiting one another's islands, as the game Animal Crossing became a huge hit with everyone of all ages during the early stages of quarantine. Events such as Halloween and birthdays were spent together virtually in beautiful towns full of animals and small circles of friends.

Families also turned to the digital sphere to reach out to their loved ones during the Christmas season. Although video calling is not a novel practice, the use of Zoom—an application that rapidly gained popularity boomed during the quarantine—became the norm. The platform’s simple user interface made it easy even for those of old age to set up their devices and converse with loved ones they hold dear in celebration of Christmas—wherever they may be.


Amid lingering questions on whether the quarantine will come to an end, people continue to find different ways to stay connected. Whether through catching up with one another through video calls or finding entertainment with online games, these keep everyone closer—despite the distance that lies between them.